the brief
I was tasked with writing an outreach article that would generate a backlink to Rajapack’s thought-provoking campaign on the future of architecture. It was imperative for the article to be relevant to the outreach target’s audience (buildinproducts.co.uk), and that the piece refrain from being too salesy or overly branded. My given topic was ‘eco-buildings and the future of material innovation’.
Outreach articles can often be seen as a sort-of hurried afterthought – a quick summary of a campaign, a sly plug of the brand in question, bish, bash, bosh and you’re done. I avidly contest this. Publishers are pickier than ever, and quite right too, meaning outreach articles should be as high in quality as the stuff you put on your very own site. Only then, are the links going to roll in.
sample copy

furniture village
data-led campaign

india johnson
opinion piece
millennium hotels & resorts
travel article
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